
Are you interested in covering ESNS 2025 and the MME Awards Ceremony? We kindly ask you to request press accreditation to attend the festival.

The deadline to apply for press accreditation is 4 January 2025. Applications sent in after this date will not be processed.

Please note the following:

  • Requests for accreditation will only be considered if submitted using the official form linked above. Application requests sent by email will not be processed.
  • Once your application is complete, please allow the team up to 15 business days to consider your request.
  • Photographers or freelance journalists are required to demonstrate an assignment with an affiliated media outlet.
  • Spec photography, portfolio photography and personal website photographer requests will not be processed.
  • Our team reserves the right to approve or deny accreditation. The decision is final and cannot be appealed.

If you have any questions regarding the accreditation process or application form, please contact